Saturday 29 January 2011

The John Bills 100: 97

97: Sunna - 'One Minute Science'
This album, or more to the point band, get a bit of stick these days. They get lumped in with bands such as Vacant Stare, Autonomy and other long forgotten British nu-metal bands, as part of an era of mistaken music from Britain's youths. However, whilst listening to this, even whilst looking into the bands history, you see that they don't fit in with those bands, that they deserve something more. This is a dark album, taking cues as much from Nine Inch Nails as it does from Korn. There is angst here, but unlike a lot of bands from the early part of this century, it is entirely earnest and honest. Its a much underappreciated album, covering a hefty amount of ground in the process. Songs like 'I'm Not Trading' and 'Power Struggle' drown themselves in the aforementioned angst, where as 'One Conditioning' and 'I Miss' should respectable restraint. A fine fine record.

Download: 'O.D', 'One Conditioning'.

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